The past five months have flown by. Yes, Colt will be five months old on Monday.
Here is an update on our little booger and our lives:
Month 1:
Colt loved playtime on his tummy. He ate very well all (and still does). He slept through the night almost every night - with only a few minor setbacks the first week we were home from the hospital. His two week check up was fantastic. He had gained all of his birthweight back and then some, weighin in at 8 lbs. 9 oz.! He quickly outgrew the newborn-sized diapers, not necessarily because of size, but because he peed all the time and in great quantities. Daddy changed his diaper one day 5 times in about 10 minutes! He loved spending lots of time in his swing listening to music, and his favorite toy was his monkey (just a head attached to a "blankie").
Colt and his monkey |
With Uncle Jon and Auntie Allison |
With Uncle Donnie |
With Tante Liesl |
He also got to meet several of his great aunts, uncles, and cousins on Daddy's side, and he got to spend time with his great-grandparents Havel.
Great-Grandma and Grandpa Havel, Colt and Daddy |
Month 2:
His schedule became much more predictable as we settled into our daily routines and Mommy was able to move around easier after surgery. Doc came to visit for a few days when he had to come to Houston for a meeting.
He got to meet most of Mommy's side of the family at Bekah and Stephen's wedding in Salado; he met his great-grandparents Quick, and most of his great aunts and uncles on Doc's side. He did fantastic when we stayed in the hotel in Salado. YAY! We have a good traveler!
Doc, Mommy, Colt, Great-Grandma and Grandpa Quick |
For Halloween, Colt went trick-or-treating with our friends Warren and Kristy and their daughter Elise. Colt fell asleep in the stroller by the time we reached the third or fourth house. It was too warm that evening to wear his costume, but he was a giraffe for Halloween.
At his two month check-up, his health and growth was still perfect! He got three shots, but only cried for a few minutes, and he never ran a fever or had any adverse side-effects (Mommy's greatest fear thus far). He weighed 12 lbs. 1 oz. and was in the 75th percentile.
Right before he turned two months old, we drove to Lubbock to visit Granna and Doc and to see all of Mommy's family. Though the car ride was significantly longer than usual with a newborn in tow, he did exceptionally well, only getting fussy in the last hour or two of the trip.
Month 3:
Mommy and Colt stayed in Lubbock for about a week. Colt accompanied Granna and Mommy when they ran errands, and he loved every second of walking around in the stroller. He also was quite a trooper when we went to paint pottery with his footprints on it. Tante Liesl was a big help that day as she kept him entertained while he was awake. He finally got to meet his Uncle Andy and his Uncle Danny (Mommy's brother Daniel, who Colt was named after) in Lubbock.
Uncle Danny |
Uncle Andy |
With Granna in the Lubbock cotton |
When we got back home after a wonderful trip, we celebrated Thanksgiving at Grandma and PaPa's house and Colt got his first Christmas pictures taken with his cousins.
Colt in his Thanksgiving turkey shirt (Thanks, Amanda!) |
He loved to stare at the lights on the Christmas tree. (We were very sad to take that down). This month Colt also started smiling more and laughing outloud, which is quite entertaining. To me, nothing is sweeter in the world than a baby's pure laughter. And it is easy to make Colt laugh - have Daddy enter the room or tickle the back of his thighs.
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