Before this year, when I was still teaching, I thought I loved Saturdays. I could sleep in some (since I didn't have to leave for work at 6:20 am), I could spend time with my husband, the house would get clean, and (in the fall) we could watch college football.
Now that I am home with Colt all week and my "wake up" doesn't have to happen until the little boy gets up, I have found that I actually love and appreciate Saturdays even more. Why?
Because of my wonderful husband. And my sweet baby boy. Even though I get to spend time with Colt all week long, it is much more fun to spend the day with BOTH of the men in my life. I appreciate the times we have together much more than I did before; I truly took for granted the time Jason and I got to spend together, and I especially took for granted all of the things he did for me.
Not anymore. I could never again take for granted how he helps with the housework. Don't get me wrong, he has ALWAYS done most of the heavy housework (especially the floors - which I HATE), but after having Colt I have realized what a blessing it is. I could never again take for granted how he drops off and picks up the dry cleaning now. I used to (only because the cleaners was on my way to work); now he makes sure it gets done so I don't have to make an extra trip out. I could never again take for granted how he does ALL the yard work, helps make the beds, brushes and bathes the dogs, and a million other little things around the house.
Saturdays just have a different meaning to them now. Sure, we still watch all the college football we can in the fall and clean house. But now Saturdays are about us as a family of three - not just the two of us. I love watching Jason play with Colt and make him laugh like NO ONE else can. I love that Jason babysits so I can run out and get a pedicure or a massage. (I REALLY love that). And I love spending time with friends and family on Saturdays.
Hopefully, today will be another great, productive Saturday for the McCulloughs full of laundry, vacuuming, and playing with the baby.
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